Recent News About Huntsville
Ryan Truong ranks 9,889th in Boys’ 18 bracket in November
Huntsville tennis player Ryan Truong finished 9,889th in November in the junior Boys’ 18 category of the United States Tennis Association.
HUNTSVILLE: CodeRED Alert System
The city has been issuing information and boil order alerts on our CodeRed alert system.
HUNTSVILLE: CodeRed alert system
The city has been issuing information and boil order alerts on our CodeRed alert system
HUNTSVILLE: Shop Local Christmas
Our good friend and organizer of the market
HUNTSVILLE: Evening out with dinner and movie to be held Dec. 10
Dinner and movie at the Madison County Senior Center
HUNTSVILLE: Lighting of the Square to be held Nov. 20
City of Huntsville is holding our Lighting of the Square
Ryan Truong ranks 4,362nd in Boys' 18 doubles bracket by week ending Sept. 11
Huntsville tennis player Ryan Truong won 12 points playing doubles tournaments in the junior Boys’ 18 category of the United States Tennis Association by the week ending Sept. 11.
How many points did Ryan Truong from Huntsville win in Boys' 16 doubles USTA competitions by week ending Sept. 11?
Huntsville tennis player Ryan Truong won 60 points playing doubles tournaments in the junior Boys’ 16 category of the United States Tennis Association by the week ending Sept. 11.
HUNTSVILLE: Accepting sealed bids on this 2012 Dodge Charge
The City of Huntsville is accepting sealed bids on this 2012 Dodge Charger
HUNTSVILLE: Accepting sealed bids on this 2012 Dodge Charger
Accepting sealed bids
HUNTSVILLE: Main Collective Market to be held Nov. 6
First Main Collective Market
HUNTSVILLE: Main Collective Market to be held Nov. 6
107 Main Collective's first Main Collective Market
HUNTSVILLE: Huntsville Fire Department Training Schedule
Training schedule
Census Bureau: More men than women in Huntsville city in 2020
Of the 2,544 people living in Huntsville city in 2020, 46.4 percent (1,180) were women and 53.6 percent (1,364) were men, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained by the NW Arkansas News.
Census Bureau: Huntsville, Arkansas saw more residents between ages 25 and 34 in 2019
Of the 2,513 people residing in Huntsville, AR in 2019, the median age was 29, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained by the NW Arkansas News.
HUNTSVILLE: Men's Softball League
Men's softball league starts Sept. 7.
HUNTSVILLE: Pics in the Park to be held Aug. 15
Our summer music and movie series finale!
HUNTSVILLE: Back to School Bash to be held August 7
Back to School Dance Party with DJ Clint Holloway